Can you believe it this is my 50th blog entry? I hope you are all still enjoying it.
Ok there isn't much but I have an update about my situation in the village. I talked to Peace Corps and they honestly were not too helpful but they are going to send my trainer out to the village tomorrow to talk with me and my family to see if we can resolve this issue. I am trying to push through this but it has been really hard for me and hope there is a solution soon. I am heading back to the village when I finish here and hope that my hut is just the way I left it. I changed the lock before I left so that should make a difference.
I am heading to the village with a couple new found friends. We ran into a couple of young travelers yesterday and they are interested in seeing the village so they will come out for the night. It should be nice to have some company.
The last update I was all caught up in other stuff that I forgot to tell you about the election. well there isnt much to tell... it passed fairly peacefully (only a little violence in Dakar) and Wade was re-elected with 55 percent on the vote. It has been confirmed by the legislator so that is that. There will be legislative elections sometime in the next couple of months but they too should go smoothly.
This week is a fairly big deal for the largest brotherhood of muslims in Senegal. They all load up an travel to Touba. This is called maggel. I dont know too much about it but it is like a mini hadj to the town where the leader of their brotherhood was born or died (cant remember which). It starts on the 8th and goes for about a week. During this time it is hard to do much of anything especially travel because most people and cars go to Touba. People have begun the treck already so even going to the garage today to get back to Kaffrine could be interesting. Kaffrine and Kaolack are two major hubs for transport into Touba. I have plans to go through Touba on the 17th on my way to Richard Toll so I will get to see the aftermath of this huge event. Should be a dirty mess.
Well thats about all for me. If everything goes well upon my return to the village you may not here from me for another week or two. Keep your fingers crossed.