Bridget's Blog: The Next Step

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Well my trainer came out to my village yesterday which was later than I had expected. I hitched a ride back to Kaolack with him so I can go to the seed store and get some seeds for the garden I am going to help start when I go to Richard Toll in less than a week. the meeting I guess went as well as I could have expected. My host dad was embarassed that the kids went in my hut but then justified them by saying that the other volunteers before me would let a couple kids come in to water plants in the back yard when they werent home. Well I have nothing right now that needs to be watered. The trainer (he is senegalese) just couldnt understand how kids coming into my hut while I am not there makes me feel unsafe. And he wanted me to talk to them first before I went to the peace corps security guy and wrote an incident report. The whole thing has just been frustrating but i hope it is all behind me.

Well before yesterday my days were pretty full with hanging out with the travelers in my village and in my closest neighbor Carin's village. Our guests left on Thursday and Carin and I hopped back and forth between my village, her village and Kaffrine. We kept busy. We visited one guys house in her village because we were going to help him mix manure in with his garden bed and we ended up staying there for 5 hours. We did no work and sat around while he killed a chicken for us and had one of his wives cook it for us. We tried to save the chicken but it was too late. and hey when some one goes through all the trouble of killing a chicken for you, you really have no choice but to stay and hang out. We were really bored but at least we were there together.

It has been pretty hot lately during the day but is still cooling off a bit at night. last time i looked at a thermometer it was aroud 4pm and it was 105°F in the shade. I dont know what cool is now but i imagine that it is somewhere around 75 or 80 at night and early morning. It is really windy, dusty and hazy too. I am sure I have complained about this before. you sweat cause it is hot and then you walk around (you dont even have to be moving you can just be sitting inside) and in minutes this layer of sand just sticks to your body. I will tell you that shower in the evening really feels great. well I guess thats all for me now. stay tuned.


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