Bridget's Blog: The Next Step

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to the first world

I arrived safely in London on Thursday and met up with one of Bryn's friends, Elis. I was pretty tired so we didn't do a whole lot but we did walk around her neighborhood a bit. She lives right off one of the canals so it is pretty nice. On Friday we headed back to the airport to meet Bryn. We got there just in time to see her come out of customs. Unfortunately she didnt have her luggage...surprise, surprise since she was coming from Dakar. (It has since arrived so thats good) we walked around a little bit and treated bryn to a chocolate milkshake and some good breakfast food. It was good to be there while she was in awe about being back in the real world.

After catching up and resting up a bit, we went out to a pub and met up with a few of Bryn's friends. The whole group of us went to this bowling alley bar that also had a band playing and dancing. It was pretty neat. We were out so late but had a good time. Yesterday we didnt do much but today we will get out and about a little bit. I don't know exactly but I will let you know.


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