
Tuesday, we went to Greenwich to see the prime meridian. It was a pretty cool observatory with some displays of old tools they used to use to figure out time and longitude. There was a great view of London from the south. After walking around a bit we headed to the football match. The tube was packed with people going to the stadium. Arsenal is a big deal...and the stadium is a big deal. it is pretty new and huge. Bryn has a photo on her blog. We had really good seats 20 rows up behind one goal. We had a great view of the 2 goals Arsenal got to win the game! Everyone was so into the match...there was cheering and singing. Almost no one got out of their seats while the were playing. not like in the states when people run down to concession during the game. anyways it was super fun! And we owe it all to Paul (Elis's boyfriend) who gave Byrn and I his sweet!
The day before yesterday, I had a very busy day. i took the tube into the city center and walked along the river Thames. I saw the Tower bridge, the London Eye (which is this huge Farris wheel that I guess gives you a great view of the city- the line was too long so i didn't go on it), the parliment building, Buckingham palace and Westminster abbey. I also walked through a couple of parks. It was a very busy day in town because they closed off all the streets in central London for bike use. there were bikers everywhere--it was nice. Then I met up with Elis and we watched an organ player in westminster abbey. It was really cool and the organist was I guess one of the best they have had. We had a great Chinese dinner and then went to a posh bar and watched some live music.
I arrived safely in London on Thursday and met up with one of Bryn's friends, Elis. I was pretty tired so we didn't do a whole lot but we did walk around her neighborhood a bit. She lives right off one of the canals so it is pretty nice. On Friday we headed back to the airport to meet Bryn. We got there just in time to see her come out of customs. Unfortunately she didnt have her luggage...surprise, surprise since she was coming from Dakar. (It has since arrived so thats good) we walked around a little bit and treated bryn to a chocolate milkshake and some good breakfast food. It was good to be there while she was in awe about being back in the real world.
Today I have pretty much been walking around town. I got tired so i decided to take a break and write a note. My first stop was the Dublin Castle. It wasn't too exciting. Then I went to the Christ church and actually paid the 5 euros to get in. I heard that it was the one Dublin attraction that you had to go to. I don't know if that was true but it wasn't bad. The architecture and detailed sculptures were pretty neat. It also had a collection of treasures from the churches past. That exhibit was kinda creepy because it was in the crypt and there were a bunch of tombs.
There are so many tourists here from all over I almost fit in. Last night I visited the Guinness storehouse. This is where they used to make the stout but they have turned it into this massive, very expensive tourist trap. It was a walking tour through the brewing steps and through some historical stuff about Guinness. The last stop was of course at the bar where you got your 'complimentary' pint. The bar is on the 7th floor and it is a round all glass room. It overlooks the whole city which was cool but I have to say Dublin doesnt have a very impressive skyline.
Lets see...where were we. The first night in waterford I hit a pub to watch the Ireland rugby team play in one of the wold cup games. they just barely beat Georgia. it was fun to watch. Sunday I went to the Crystal factory and took a tour. It was pretty neat to see them all working blowing and cutting the glass. I now see why the glasswear costs so much. So much goes into just making one cup. I would hate to see any of it break.
Last night after I had my pint of Guiness I ran into two cousins from Vermont. It was the funniest thing...I just paid for my beer and was leaving the pub when in walk Jack and Julie. I did a double take but it was them. We had a drink and then got dinner. It was very nice. I havent seen them in years so it was so strange to bumb into them in Galway. They had just gotten in and will be in Galway again tonight. Our itineraries dont match up again until London. I may see then again when we are there.
I had a very busy day today. I drove west along the coast and then went north through the connemera area. It is such a different landscape than the states. The hills are covered with grasses speckled with sheep and stone walls. Very pretty. I stopped in Ashford Castle which has been turned into a very impressive 5 star hotel situated on 345 acres right on Loch Corrib. They have some pretty nice gardens too. This may sound like and ad but it was €5 to get in which wasnt really worth it...oh well. I continued on my loop and stopped at ross abbey. It was a very creepy place out in the middle of some cattle pastures. I drove down this one car road...fortunately i did not run into anyone coming the other direction. I was the only person at this old abbey. It was built in the 1300s and I guess the ruins are some of the oldest in Ireland. I went inside and poked around for just a second. The cows were giving me the evil eye so i didnt stay long.
Yesterday I went to the Aughnanure Castle... no wonder I couldnt remember the name.
Hey all!
I have made it! I am so tired but I am making my self stay up for a little bit. I had a lay over in Dublin for a while and then I had an hour and a half drive to Galway. It was kind of exciting to get into the little toyota and drive on the wrong side of the road. the stick shift wasnt too hard because the petals and the gear location on the stick are the same as in the states. I just kept reminding myself to stay left. I am staying at a hostel right in Galway which is super exciting...there are bars and lots of things too do right here.
This is just a quick note to let you all know that I am leaving for Ireland tonight. I am super excited and just a little bit nervous. I am renting a car while I am over there and it is going to be so weird at first to drive on the left side of the road. On top of that the little car I am getting will be a stick shift so I will be changing gears with my left hand. Thank goodness the petals are all in the same place!