Bridget's Blog: The Next Step

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ireland with mimi and papa

I am sorry for not keeping this thing more up to date. We have been busy traveling around the country visiting some family and seeing new sites. Plus I havent really been around the internet so much. The pace hase slowed quite a bit for me but has been a nice change. we are traveling quite a bit and have already put more then 600 miles on the car. We are in and out of B and Bs every night or every other night. Today we are going to the site where my great grandfather was born. we are going to visit some of his old neighbors.

we visited some of papa's cousins in county cork last week. we saw the family gravestone and had a pint at the Cotter pub. all things that i had done before but this time I shared it with Papa. He was thrilled to get to see it all again.

I must get going now but I just wanted to let you all know that all is well. I will be home finally in less than a week. until then...

Monday, October 01, 2007

My Last Day :(

We ended up not really having a very eventful weekend. Bryn and I both have wicked head colds and didnt feel like walking around the chilly beach on Saturday so we skipped Brighton. We slept in a bit then went to a jumble (in American a rummage sale) and then we went to Richmond which is the area both Bryn and Elis went to University. It was a very nice area where you could look out on the Thames and see more countryside then buildings.

Yesterday, still not feeling well, we decided to go out to a movie and then to a pub quiz. We didnt get first place but won a bottle of wine. Next time I will have to brush up on my British knowledge. We headed to a nice, well priced 3 course dinner in this cute little restaurant.

I dont know what we will do today. I am still so congested...I have to get to a pharmacy to get some drugs. I am sure we will go out a little bit tonight. and tomorrow I think we will be on the radio show again before I fly back to Ireland. So if you are up at 5am you can listen live at