Bridget's Blog: The Next Step

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Sorry I didnt get back you you all sooner. I was in the sick bay most of the afternoon Saturday and all day sunday. No weird bugs or anything just a sinus infection. My head was killing me and i needed a little peace and quiet. I am feeling better now.

Yesterday was korite which is the big festival after ramadan ends. You eat a lot and you eat well to make up for all you didnt eat during the past month. I drank alot of weird juices too. ok heres how the day went... I slept in a bit and got up for breakfast at 8. We hat this yougart stuff with millet and bananas and pinapple. it was ok. Then we prepared lunch which was the big meal of the day. I cut onions until i was crying my eyes out and i had a blister on my finger. Everyone was lauging at me because of the tears. I didnt tell them about the blister. I got a blister because you dont use a cutting board and your hand is kind of the cutting board. The knives stink and really it would take a lot for them to go through skin so dont worry. After my fam made me stop cutting onions bacause i was crying i just sat around in the kitchen and watched sometimes in disgust at what was being done around me. I wont get into details. It was all worth it because wa had a great meal in the afternoon.

After lunch we napped. Around 4 or so we got ready. I put on my senegalese outfit and i even wore make up. I went out to the neighboors houses. On Korite you as everyone for their forgevness an they grant it. So we did that most of the evening. It was interesting to be a white person (toubob) in local garb. Definitely got some stares and side comments. on the upside my Wolof is getting better so i can respond appropriately.

Dinner for korite was low key and i went to bed right afterwards. Now that I dont have to rush home after school i will have more time to write. there is a lot I want to tell you about. But this is enough for now. Talk to you all later. Keep the letters coming I love getting them:) Later gators!


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