Well this is it for me and the internet for a while. I finally found a good internet connection to get you some more photos.
This is the sept place that 2 of us took with all our stuff to get to Kaolack
These are from graduation.
Some of my buddies thought it was a good photo My wolof class and our teachers.
Kaolack is still treating me well. I finally have money now... went to the bank this morning. I am finishing getting all my stuff together to load up tomorrow morning first thing. There are 4 of us headed to Kaffrine tomorrow and we will meet with city officials and the people from the forestry department. I will be dropped off at my village somtime between 3 and 4 in the afternoon. I am getting nervous. still really excited but i am starting to get butterflies in my stomach. I know I have really good people around me so that thought helps.
After I finish up here we are going to another volunteers house for lunch. She also has a girls group meeting today and we are going to tag along with her. We will probably go out to dinner and then early to bed cause we will be up early. Ok my time is coming to an end so I should say Bye for now. oh here is my address. letters will be great to get especially since my access to internet will be so limited
PCV Bridget Robinson or you can use ny new senegalese name Momkoumba Mbangue
BP 51
Kaffrine, Senegal
West Africa
Thanks! I love you!
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